Entangled Love

In the midst of darkness and nothingness, a universe was born. As the great Stephen Hawking says, "As long as there is gravity, a universe can be created out of nothing." But what is gravity, and where did it come from? Well, we do not know yet. We all know that the universe expands, but why is it expanding? Why is it growing?

We all grow; we all expand ourselves through knowledge, skills, and love.

What if the universe expands and grows for its love? What if the universe's expansion is nothing but a journey of growth to meet its love?

The universe started from a single point 13 billion years ago, and that single point doesn't make any sense according to the laws of nature.So it decided to start growing from then until now, it has kept on expanding forever. It is expanding and expanding, but it's so lonely out there, right? So let's give it a meaning for its expansion.

Let's give it a girl at the other end to make its expansion beautiful and meaningful.

In quantum physics, there is a concept called quantum entanglement. Imagine two particles that are like best friends. Even if they are far apart, whatever happens to one instantly affects the other. This is like saying if you pinch one friend, the other feels it, no matter how far away they are. This strange connection is faster than the speed of light, which is the fastest thing we know. The universe's speed limit is the speed of light, but this phenomenon breaks that rule like a classic love story.

Now let's take this phenomenon and add it to our story. Here, our universe expands; basically, it's growing. But eventually, the universe will stop growing or reach its limit, and a new universe will be born. This is where the idea of the cyclic universe comes in.

The cyclic universe theory suggests that the universe goes through endless cycles of expansion and contraction. Think of it like a giant cosmic heartbeat. First, there is the Big Bang, where the universe starts expanding from a single point. Over billions of years, it keeps expanding, growing larger and larger. But eventually, this expansion slows down, and the universe begins to contract, shrinking back to a small point. This is sometimes called the Big Crunch. After this, a new Big Bang happens, and a new cycle of expansion begins.

This cycle of birth, growth, death, and rebirth is like the universe's way of starting over. Each new cycle brings the possibility of different stars, galaxies, and perhaps even different kinds of life

When we grow, our consciousness also grows. Our decision-making, cognitive skills, and everything grows. Let's consider a long-distance relationship where two people need to grow and make a career. They eventually end up together, and boom—a new life. So let's assume that our universe is also doing a long-distance thing. It grows to meet the love of its life, and on the opposite side, she is also growing and expanding. Eventually, one day, they will meet, and kaboom—a cosmic colossal collision occurs where their galaxies and nebulae meet, where one's blackholes and the other's stars meet, and they merge together to form a new universe.

They collide to form a new universe, just like how we collide with our partners where victories and failures meet, where one's mistakes and the other's fortunes meet, and they start a new life. They also give a new life to the world through them. So, the sole purpose of the universe and our growth is just to find our love and make our life, nothing fancy.

Sometimes it will feel like an infinite silence grows between our journey, but that silence makes the distance grow shorter. Remember, meeting the love of your life is a collision event where two energies meet, keep on growing old, and wither away together. Trust the journey, and remember that everything happens for a reason.


  1. What a beautiful way to connect ourselves with the universe & what a profound way to connect our love with the universe's love! Simply amazing. Keep writing & let's grow together to attain our individual love which is nothing but the very universe. Thank you✨


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