Cosmic Pulse

Every galaxy at its centre has a supermassive blackhole, which would be a billion times larger than our sun. So what I think it does is that the black hole at the centre of our galaxy is the generator or supplier of consciousness for the entire galaxy. So there is a supermassive blackhole at the centre of the galaxy that is more like a hub or more like the heart of the galaxy. If that's the case, then everything in the galaxy is connected to the black hole through space and time, like how our hearts are connected with every organ in our body through arteries and veins, and here I take the heart as the generator of our consciousness because, in our Indian philosophy, the heart gives the sentient nature to the living beings. And through the heart, the consciousness of the universe is supplied. And the pulse of the body is carried through arteries and veins.

Imagine that we have a pulse, right? Pulse is the subtle manifestation of the universal consciousness that is pulsating through a person. This pulse generator is the black hole in our galaxy, which is nothing but the consciousness generator or distributor. From the heart, blood carries nutrients to each part of the body, and the black hole does the same for the entire galaxy. There is a continuous flow of communication between our cells, and in the same way, there is a continuous flow of consciousness from the black hole to us, which is nothing but intelligence.

In Sanskrit, there are five synonyms for pulse.

1. Nadi - means a river of life, so here the blackhole is the river of life, which provides life to the galaxy the same way the heart does to us.

2.Snaayu - which means underlying tissue in the body, and pulse resides inside the tissue, so consciousness resides inside the blackhole, which underlies the pulse of our galaxy.

3. Tantu - which means the string of a musical instrument; the black hole is the string of the ultimate instrument of the universe's consciousness, which makes music, which is nothing but the pulse inside us and the pulse of the universe, which in turn is nothing but the consciousness or flow of consciousness.

4. Hamsi - which means so-hum; when we inhale, it denotes the note'so', and when we exhale, it is 'hum'; here,'so'' is shiva, which means higher consciousness, and 'hum' is shakthi, which means going out, which is ego. And there is a theory that at the opposite side of every blackhole there will be a white hole that expels everything out of it, which is opposite to that of the blackhole because it sucks everything. So the blackhole in our galaxy inhales everything and produces'so' and it denotes shiva, and it exhales through a white hole at its opposite side, and so it exhales ego, so our blackhole destroys ego (shiva) and releases out through a white hole (shakthi). Together, it makes the super consciousness. So Shiva and Shakthi are the symbols of consciousness, which is residing in our body and pulsating throughout our body and the universe.

5.Dhaarani - which means to hold or support, so a blackhole, due to its immense gravitational force, holds together the entire galaxy as one like our heart does to the body.


And finally, every black hole in the universe might be connected to each other through space and time, like how humans are connected to one another through love and compassion. So do we live inside a human-like universe?



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