Reality is a disease - Srishti Kriyakala
Reality is a disease - Shristi Kriyakala
by \S/udharsan
Yea you heard me, let me explain it. This universe was once a singularity which is a state of single point of equilibrium with infinite mass and infinite density which then through infinite expansion called inflation it expanded rapidly and then the universe we see now has come into existence and currently our universe is 13.8 billion years old.
I theorize that the manifestation of the universe is an ultimate result of an extrinsic cause or an intrinsic cause which triggered the universe into existence from sookshma(singularity) to sthoola(bulk), which is nothing but the ayurveda's Shat Kriyakala.
According to ayurveda Shat kriyakala is :
>Shat means 6.
>Kriyakala means the process of disease manifestation over time.
The six stages are :
> Sanchaya - Accumulation of doshas(in this context it is the disease causing factors).
> Prakopa - Accumulated doshas expands.
> Prasara - Overflowing of the doshas from their respective sites to other sites.
> Sthaanasamsraya - The overflown doshas in the body moves to other organs and tissues and starts developing premonitory symptoms.
> Vyakta avastha - Appearance of clear cut symptoms and signs of the disease,
> Bhedha avastha - Disease gets fully manifested.
I think that similar to a disease the universe starts its manifestation. A disease starts to manifest in the body when the equilibrium of doshas gets distributed ( in this context it is the set of qualities present in the nature also present in the body which governs the physiological processes).So the doshas get disturbed just like how the universe manifests when the equilibrium state of singularity gets disturbed by an extrinsic cause or an intrinsic cause or an accumulation of several causes called the sanchaya(which we still don't know). And like ghee in a vessel, when it is heated it starts melting which is a simile used for the second stage of the disease manifestation called prakopa.
Just like how the solid ghee expands, the universe also starts expanding till a point after which it goes through a stage of rapid expansion called the inflation which can be co-related with the prasara stage of the disease where the melted ghee starts frothing and reaches the top of the utensil or comes out. Similarly, the gases formed in the universe in the due course of expansion form stars and galaxies in the universe. Then the third stage of kriyakala is sthaanasamsraya. Here the agitated doshas (disease causing factors) spread to different places and in favorable condition starts producing the disease. Similarly, in the due course of expansion, stars in the galaxies run out of fuel to burn and enter into their final stage.
In the next stage the stars in the universe start to completely exhaust its fuel and undergo shrinking due to gravitational force. Similar to this the body expresses clear cut symptoms of the disease in the 5th stage of the disease manifestation called Vyaktha avastha where for example if a person suffers from tuberculosis then he/she will start to emaciate which will be a clear sign of that particular disease.Similarly stars does the same(well that would be another story).
Finally the disease reaches its final stage called Bhedha avastha where it may attain chronicity and become incurable like aging. Similarly, the stars in the universe, at its last stage, burst out and form blackholes some may shrink progressively and explode without forming blackholes. Then the universe goes into the era of blackholes where only blackholes will be left in the universe which is the dark age of the universe where there will be no stars left in the universe to produce light. Similarly in our body at old age, the agni (digestive fire) completely diminishes. Eventually the blackhole will also start evaporating until the very last blackhole evaporates and dies . The universe will then start again.
Here I would like to add an idea of a rapid contraction called deflation like how the universe expands rapidly in the beginning. This is an exact opposite of it, because I think stable state of the universe is its singularity (sookshma) stage and the manifestation is nothing but a disease caused by something(I have a separate story for this which I would share with you later) and my conclusion is that the whole manifestation of the universe is similar to how aging happens to us ultimately leading to death.
I think the universe we see is never meant to exist in the first place itself and we were never meant to be existing. That's why to reach its stable singularity stage the universe is making its journey towards its destruction. Similarly, we live only to die; death is the ultimate reality because reality is nothing but a disease.