
Showing posts from February, 2024

Reality is a disease - Srishti Kriyakala

  Reality is a disease - Shristi Kriyakala by \S/udharsan Yea you heard me, let me explain  it. This universe was once a singularity which is a state of single point of equilibrium with infinite mass and infinite density which then through infinite expansion called inflation it expanded rapidly and then the universe we see now has come into existence and currently our universe is 13.8 billion years old. I theorize that the manifestation of the universe is an ultimate result of an extrinsic cause or an intrinsic cause which triggered the universe into existence from sookshma(singularity) to sthoola(bulk), which is nothing but the ayurveda's Shat Kriyakala.  According to ayurveda Shat kriyakala is : >Shat means 6. >Kriyakala means the process of disease manifestation over time. The six stages are : > Sanchaya - Accumulation of doshas(in this context it is the disease causing factors). > Prakopa - Accumulated doshas expands. > Prasara - Overflowing of the dosh...